If you like Christmas, you would love Christmas Markets in Germany. One of the best time to be in Germany - feastive cities/towns and cheerful people due to the side affect on glüh wines. We usually ate tons of food and had a few glüh wines while walking around.
We saw several Christmas Markets that were close to Stuttgart. Some were local Christmas Markets so they were small. I went to one of the small ones in Tübingen. It was cute surrounded by old buildings.

Since it's a local market, there were kids playing instruments instead of caroling - trying to earn a few extra holiday bucks. Tübingen Christmas Market only lasts for a couple days over a weekend. Thus, the market was super crowded.

There was a time that I could not walk or move unless people started moving around me.
Ludwigsburg - a professional Christmas Market. It started pouring rain after we were there for about one hour.

Stuttgart - one of the biggest professional ones in southern Germany. The booths were heavily decorated and sold various products from Christmas ornaments, candles, sausage, sweets, glüh wine, to household kitchen wear and clean supplies. They also had small rides for children.
Finally, my favorite Essilingen - a professional medieval Christmas Market. Forgot the camera so...no pictures. Hopefully... next year. Besides the traditional Christmas Market, Essilingen had a separate Medieval part that was lite with electrical and oil lanterns, fire torches, and random wood fire places. The booths sold medieval clothing, containers, and food (a roasting pig on top of fire, big chunk of meat with bread...) They even had two huge wooden bath tabs with real naked people taking baths and a porto-potty that would amaze you.