Thursday, December 6, 2007

Fun Birthday

It was a great and fun birthday except a little incident with the chocolate that Josh brought home with a bottle of champagne. They took out Ally's tooth! What a tough chocolate!! Guessed when you get old, your body just started falling apart. (Fortunately, we had insurance here and it was easily fixed.) Anyway, I couldn't let a fallen tooth stop me from having a delicious dinner at an African restaurant. In fact, our order was a big platter that included Ostrich, antelope, and crocodile. They were very delicious. Everybody's dish turned out to be great. That was definitely some food I don't know how to make. I am not even sure where to buy Ostrich, antelope, and crocodile...perhaps if we are living in Africa, I would be able to find them in the backyard.


Holley Pack said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sorry about your tooth, but good job on not letting you slow it down. Your dinner sounds so exotic and delicious.

Unknown said...

Joanna Sagt:
Hello, Ally, meine internet hast yetzt installieren: Zum Geburtstag viel Glück!
Morgen Ich möchte dich busuche zu deutschkurs.

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