Here is Josh's Stuffed Bell Paper recipe...
100g beacon
1 glove dice garlic
1 small yellow onion
200g German mushroom
1 cup cooked rice
1/2 cup blue cheese
2 red bell paper
Secret spices
Preheat oven 350F.
Brown beacon then add garlic and onion cook until onion is soft. Mixe in mushroom for 5 minutes then add rice. Remove from the pan and add blue cheese. Cut top 1/4 bell paper off and remove the seeds. Scope the stuffing into paper and pop into the oven bake for 10-15 minutes.
Valaa... here is the final result... As you can see, it looks beautiful. So, I'll tell you that it smelled very good and was delicious. I'll give a 5 start rating to Josh.
Looks delicious. I can sympathize with you when it comes to the husband cooking for you. Josh and Mike sound a lot alike as far as their cooking techniques.
I am glad the recipe turned out well. Talk to you soon
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